City water source is tobe revamped and new bridge constructed

Altnaheglish reservoir.Altnaheglish reservoir.
Altnaheglish reservoir.
The water service aims to build a new bridge across the Glenedra stream and to revamp a fifty year old intake plant which provides Londonderry with drinking water.

NI Water has applied for permission to carry out the works in the Banagher forest south of Dungiven. Documents submitted to the local planning office describe the Glenedra stream as “critical” to the ecology and biodiversity of the wider Roe system downstream.

An upland spate river, the Glenedra joins the Cushcapel water to form the Owenrigh, which along with the Roe, Owenbeg and Derryware Burn, comprises the Roe system.

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According to Doran Consulting the intake structure, which was built in 1966, “is in a poor state of repair and in need of refurbishment.” It’s also prone to flooding. whilst a bridge that provided access over the Glenedra has been damaged beyond use.

“Whilst NI Water can access the intake for routine operations no suitable access is available for heavy duty engineering works,” the documents state.

A single concrete slab, which acts as an ‘unofficial’ bridge, was put there by “unknown persons” without the consent of NI Water or the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD).

Raw water from the Glenedra intake facility supplied the Caugh Hill Wastewater Treatment works, which in turn provides drinking water to Londonderry. Tap destined H2O flows through a mesh screen and the volume is controlled by a weir wall. But this can be problematic when the stream is in spate.

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