Dobson issues call for modernised pharmacy contracts from Executive

Jo-Anne Dobson MLA visiting Boots Banbridge with Marie Smith - Boots Country Pharmacy Manager and Sarah Aiken, Manager at Boots Banbridge.Jo-Anne Dobson MLA visiting Boots Banbridge with Marie Smith - Boots Country Pharmacy Manager and Sarah Aiken, Manager at Boots Banbridge.
Jo-Anne Dobson MLA visiting Boots Banbridge with Marie Smith - Boots Country Pharmacy Manager and Sarah Aiken, Manager at Boots Banbridge.
MLA Jo-Anne Dobson has called on the Executive to bring forward a modernised pharmacy contract to improve patient experience, invest in new technology and streamline connections between community pharmacies and GP Surgeries.

Following a visit with pharmacy staff and management at Boots Banbridge the Ulster Unionist MLA said that a new electronic system would help both GPs and pharmacists cope with the increased demands of the coming winter pressures.

Mrs Dobson, UUP Health spokesperson, said: “We all know that our health service is undergoing serious pressures and the longer patients are made to wait the greater their risk of coming to harm.

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“As people are made to wait longer for an appointment pressure has been continually growing on our pharmacists. That’s why I welcomed the opportunity to visit the team at Boots Banbridge to see the fantastic operation which community pharmacies do every single day.

“I was particularly keen to view their preparations for the increased winter pressures and also the military precision with which medications are sorted to assist people to live independently in their homes for longer.