Monkstown young people deliver mental health message in mural

Members of a youth project have unveiled their Mental Health mural in Newtownabbey.Members of a youth project have unveiled their Mental Health mural in Newtownabbey.
Members of a youth project have unveiled their Mental Health mural in Newtownabbey.
Sparked by recent suicides throughout Northern Ireland, a Newtownabbey Youth Group have, for the past few months, been involved in a Mental Health Project.

The 13 young people from Monkstown have looked at ways to maintain positive Mental Health as well as looking at different varieties of Mental Illnesses and have just concluded their project by creating their own Mental Health Mural with the help of popular street artist - Visual Waste NI.

The Mural was officially unveiled on March 28 under the bridge next to Abbeytown Square in Monkstown, Newtownabbey, at an event attended by their friends and family, counsellors, local representatives and the Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Council.